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Wow, am I bored right now...

28 · Mar · 2006

10 Years Ago...
1) i was a manager at a multi-million dollar nightclub
2) i was dating one of the guys who is now in the group Rascal Flatts
3) i was living with my friend lisa in a huge house in east nashville
4) i took pictures daily with a Canon EOS Rebel
5) i didn't like my life

5 years ago...
1) i was working for deutsche bank
2) i traveled to NYC every other week for work
3) i was robbed of all my good clothes at the Squeaky Clean in Sylvan Park
4) i made a vow to never work for corporate pigs again
5) 90% of my friends were tour musicians

1 Year Ago...
1) Mj and I had just become a couple.

5 subjects i'd be interested in taking a class on:
1) philosophy
2) theology
3) advanced photography
4) print design
5) publishing

Songs I know all the words to...
1) my life by billy joel
2) elsewhere by sarah mclachlan
3) another brick in the wall by pink floyd
4) eat the rich by aerosmith
5)hey baby by poe

What would I do with $1 Million
1) pay off my and mj's debt
2) put a down payment on or buy a house

Places I would Run Away to
1) nyc
2) a small, quaint town in italy
3) a beach house in hawaii
4)schaffhausen, switzerland
5) a beach town in nj

Things I would never wear
1) parachute pants
2) a gold bikini
3) white pants
4) gold jewelry
5) a broach

Bad Habits
1) tardiness
2) coffee
3) seeing the negative side of a plan first
4) dairy
5) cussing

Biggest Joys
2) August
3) anticipating the future with # 1 & 2
4) creating - when I get a chance to do so
5) being far far away from the US without a schedule or a cell phone

5 Favorite Toys
1) my mac
2) the dvd player
3) my bike
4) august's monkey
5) paper, glue, scissors and etc

Fictional Characters I would date
1) I'm done with fictional characters. I now have the real thing. (:

Posted by Penny Rene at March 28, 2006 05:40 PM


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