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Seasoned Sailors

Thanks for the memories
I feel fine and we’ll be all right
That’s just the way it goes
A glaring day for every night
New moons come up and sun still goes down
While you’re planning escape
If you don’t mind, I’ll just hang around

God love every good man’s resilience
God bless the deaf and the dumb
God help the seasoned sailors
And keep our hearts from going numb

You found a new love sooner
Move on, move up, move out
The justice of this story
Makes me want to scream and shout
Waves wash my delusion into the sea
If you long for easy waters
Blow a kiss goodbye to me

God love every good man’s resilience
God bless the deaf and the dumb
God help the seasoned sailors
And keep our hearts from going numb

Posted by Penny Rene at July 3, 2000 12:20 PM

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