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Happy Happy Birthday

Happy Happy Birthday to me.
Not my birthday? Well, we'll see.

sit down, no, lay. here.
you try be still dear
i do this dance ...slowly like this
you can look but no kiss

ahhh, your are a sight
so innocent and light
my present to unwrap
and i start from the back

Happy Happy Birthday to me.
Not my birthday? Well, we'll see.

turn round. don't touch
be patient my love
one arm free, now two
let's have a look at you

now way down here
i draw you near
your skin so smooth
my fingers move

Happy Happy Birthday to me.
Not my birthday? Well, we'll see.

my exquisite gift
you make me happy like this
i lose my breath as i say
today it is my birthday

Happy Happy Birthday to me.
It's is my Birthday
when you're with me.

la la la la
la lal la la
i want birthday every day
la la la la
la lal la la

Posted by Penny Rene at December 14, 2001 10:34 AM

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