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it’s been an unpleasant day
in this gold and silver town
don’t look now, but i think you’re going crazy

let’s light a match
and burn our lives to the ground
we’d have done it before if we weren’t so lazy

well, there you go.
here i am
takin’ way too much time to try to understand
i don’t care.
here we are.
this ain’t nothin we can’t fix with a long drive in your car
drive, drive, just drive

in oklahoma
i met a boy who said he could save my life
i believed his good intentions with every inch of my soul

i was always a nice friend,
but i was never a good wife
now where my heart used to be, there is a gaping hole

well, there you go.
here i am
takin’ way too much time to try to understand
i don’t care.
here we are.
this ain’t nothin we can’t fix with a long drive in your car
drive, drive, just drive

every girlfriend is
the catalog print of your mind’s desire
but each day that we’re alive is a bad day to commit
Joan Crawford told us
that love can be like fire
the shoes might look good, baby, but that don’t mean they fit

so, there ya go.
here i am
takin’ way too much time to try to understand
i don’t care.
here we are.
this ain’t nothin we can’t fix with a long drive in your car
drive, drive, just drive

Posted by Penny Rene at April 30, 2002 01:36 PM

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