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Neil Forester - The ThinkPad Treasure

29 · Jan · 2001

With only the blurry light of the Thinkpad, I search. An after hours voyager exploring the World Wide Web! (Insert Star Trek music)
I love words. So to be able to type in a word at random and see what comes up on my screen – it’s the closest thing to gambling as I get. And from what I’ve heard from Vegas fans, the anticipation of winning is similar. I pick a word I love – milk, kindred, mocha, survile. Then I go for it “www.kookoo.com” , I close my eyes and hit the Enter key. …. One eye open…. is it a hit or a miss? (Warning: sometimes I hit a nasty little site, right between the eyes. And that’s hard to explain to the boys in the tech department) But sometimes…

Eureka, my darling! I have discovered something - a treasure, once on display for all the world to see, now hidden in the secret hallways of cyberspace.

{I have a few guilty pleasures as far as TV goes – One is Will and Grace. The other is MTV’s The Real World. Now, I don’t have cable, silly. I wouldn’t think of paying for it. (Well, I think of it all the time, but decide against it) But when I happen to be at a location where MTV is available, I’m all about The Real World.}

So, the other night when I came upon www.waterfoul.co.uk, I was delighted to learn what Neil is doing after his days on the Real World – London. You remember Neil. He was the Brit with a flair for heavy music who was involved in an unusual accident which resulted in the death of a portion of his tongue. Today, Neil, though suffering from partial loss of feeling in his tongue, is a thriving artist. You see, dropping out of Oxford wasn’t a horrible mistake after all. His band Unliever is doing well, along with his many other projects which you can investigate on his web site. This man’s words remind me of a time when I didn’t care who was on this list. I was so impressed with Neil’s work, that I wanted to share some of it with you.

there's a certain something
i find it difficult
to grasp
an understanding
of what it is that lasts
beyond this moment
here without you
means more than any time within you
an echo of what might have been
much more much more than all we've seen
i catch your gaze
and hold it
five lines of words

sorry, for a minute there, i lost myself.

a slight twinge in my left prefrontal cortex, a dull throb at my temples,

contemplating decay.

it's interesting getting older.

there's a haze of drizzle outside, i'm in the blackest of black velvet
shirts and wondering where to go next.

i think i'll go and buy some more sunglasses.

hey you're that guy!?
sure you are
i've seen you
that guy on tv
how's your tongue?
that guy, do you know him?
is he really?
i thought so.
nice meeting you.


All above compilation of words written by Neil Forrester.

Now here’s a little slice of me:

mood ring

blue means calm
sometimes it’s purple
or green
i don’t know
(complementary laugh)
what do you think it means?
(nod three times)

just working
i ... write
i don’t know
(token smile)
gripes, hopes, smack – you
(nod once)

yeah, good luck with that

sighi rapid

the train station was bored
but not for long
here comes Nay Nay with her heart undone
standing on the platform,
me with my history,
blondie with his ticket
you with that look
a Decision had to be made
be careful what you ask for
- or at least what you offer when a train is about to leave
(write that down)

it all happened so fast
off to Paris and all that
quick wit and a brave (or irrational) new cast
go a lot further than a country mile
me with the eyes
you with my admiration
blondie still on the platform
Guts and Glory!
it’s okay to be left holding the bag
as long as you’re the one on the train
(make a note)

Posted by Penny Rene at January 29, 2001 05:00 PM