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Old Friend

8 · Nov · 1999

Two of my favorite poets are Dorothy Parker and WH Auden. Their straightforward ways of saying what we are all thinking and willingness to put in print ALL sides of their writing inspire me -even the little quips that seemed like nothing to them.
The following is a poem I wrote recently. It took all of 10 minutes and, though it will never make it into a book. It sure hit the spot that day.

Memo #3

“This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown aside with great force.”
-Dorothy Parker-

Old friend of fair and warmest eyes
and embrace that frees my feet
to know you, still, on darkest day
I consider quite a treat

Twas long ago I learned my fate
when you spoke with broken smile
of the one who owned your heart
and had claimed you all the while

I didn’t speak my sadness,
but wiped my silent tears
On your wedding day I made my vow
to let friendship fill my years

It’s difficult to crush a hope
and turn upon a dime
To do so is confession
that love was never mine

Your faithfulness and guarded wit-
I will expect nothing less
I take your hand with good intent
and hope you never guess

That rewind the clock
and choice be made
I’d turn my love to you
And thank my lord
for this regret
that I never knew.

I will always cherish the misconceptions I had about you…..

‘Til next time,

Penny Rene’

Posted by Penny Rene at 08:52 PM