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Why I Believe In God

Sometimes I wish to die.
Sometimes I am so weary
And full of sadness and regret
That I pray God will have enough mercy
To let me die
Right then.

I think about Jesus and AIDS and children and success and the pain of it
That I know will never end for every one of us.
And I don’t want to try anymore.
I realize there is no such thing as fair.
No justice.
And death, because I don’t really
Know what it will bring,
Seems full of possibility. It feels better.

But God has not yet taken me in the middle of a sleepless night. In fact,he has never uttered one reply to my only request.
He is so silent that I wonder why I ask HIM..
But I guess it is because I am not yet so crazy to deny obvious facts.

The sun still rises.
Water is wet.
I cannot fly.
He is God.
However strange, however silent,
He is still the one to ask the questions
To which I
Believe I deserve the answers.

Posted by Penny Rene at January 21, 2004 10:29 AM

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