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Rhythmically tangled again
Forget the time, myself and my plans
As you move me into small devotion
I draw ultimatums in the sand

There’s fire in your name and in your touch
The pastor always said that I should run
When the devil pokes his head into my corner
I only smile back and say “I’m done”.

You can hate me for not being who you dreamed
And I can cry you’re not who I thought you were before
But every time I say I’m never going back to you
It only makes me want you more. I want more.

The ocean comes on the beach while day is sleeping
And she never asks why or tries to fight
The way the earth moves around it’s axle
Well, no one ever wonders if it’s right

While we clock the stars and kiss the rain around us
We claim our bodies’ ignorance of truth
But if we cannot trust what stands right before us
I wonder what are we supposed to do?

If we think our days really are unending
When we live like this, what is the message we’re sending?

You can hate me for not being who you dreamed
And I can cry you’re not who I thought you were before
But every time I say I’m never going back to you
It only makes me want you more. I want more.

Sometimes I hate you for being what I need
Though I doubt I am the girl I was before
Any every time I say I’m never going back to you
What I really think is more. I want more.

Posted by Penny Rene at May 5, 2004 04:10 PM

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