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Nothing New

nothing new

touch down
you didn’t have to stay downtown
to be a king
and have a portrait made of you on the throne
oh no
i don’t have very far to go
to disappear
you were not what i called home

so live it up
pauper, priest, king or puff
whatever makes it easy alone
and i’ll go on
happy in my solitude and boots
cause i am still the one who sleeps
reigning queen of the least

i knew you
nothing new

i hope it keeps you from the mire
that’s the place
and all the kids will hold you down to it
i’ll see you at the brew but not in hell
you’ll stop and stare
i study my drink for just a bit

i knew you
nothing new

Posted by Penny Rene at July 5, 1999 04:26 PM

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